
The creatures that live in the Lunar series


Elves: Also known as the Children of Lace. They are mostly known for their healers, and the magic they have. Elves get along mostly with Shifters because of Flickron’s marriage to Luna.

Elves are said to be made of start dust and water from the wellspring of Mera, a fountain found in the Garden of The lady of Lace. Elves also have known to used as mediators between the shifter clans and humans.

Humans:  The creatures made by Solara during a contest with her elder sister Luna. She used magic to make a being that looked almost like her sisters and herself. She used the clay that was left over from her father and shaped the first human.

Humans believe that they are the highest race since they were made by the Sun goddess. They are known to enslave those of shifter and Elfin race, and some cases go into the sea and steal merchildren from their nurseries. Also in history they have killed dragon and enslaved their mates.


Shifters: Shifters  are humans that by a trick from Flickron gained the ability to transform into animals.  They once pouplated the North, but after the War between the Goddesses and Northen Gods they moved to the forests and other countries that had elves or were underpopulated.

Most shifters trace their lines back to the four brothers which started it all. These four clans are named: Pridus,  Maccons, Slithers, and Ursa. There are other clans which are related in some way to these main clans some of note are the clan Finnis and the clan Torio.


Dragons:  Created by a punishment for a fallen kingdom these creatures live the longest. They are know as the Golden bloods are often viewed as thieves and murders. Yet some see them as mates, parents and children. A dragon mates for life and is very protective of their mates as much as the treasure they horde.

The Dragen or king of Dragons is chosen by the Dance of Flares where the dragons mate or in language Flare (male) or Flarea fight each other. The mate who wins becomes either queen or consort to the Dragen.


Merfolk: Ceatures who live in the sea. Not much is known about them, though they usually give birth by the Bone cliffs where poachers are usually weary of. Merfolk are known to help ships of any creature that they deem friends.